Even dogs know this.


The Laidback Business Bulletin

Want a daily dose of digital marketing motivation? Join over 13,037 subscribers here 👇

I haven't been sleeping much lately.

We're on day 5 of owning a new puppy and dealing with all the joys and pains accompanying him.

Before we went to pick him up last Thursday, we stopped by Petco and grabbed all the necessities:

  • A crate
  • Puppy pads
  • Bowls, food, and snacks

We even got him some fancy chew toys.

But you know what his favorite chew toy is?

Not the squishy polar bear...

Not the rope...

Not even the weenie dog toy...

His favorite thing?

A 14-year-old gray fleece mitten from Old Navy.

Sometimes, we overcomplicate things.

Whether it's fancy chew toys or in business.

I used to think I needed the fanciest funnels, gripping graphics, and the most colorful lead magnets to be successful.

Until one day, I leaked out a freebie that was "just" a Google Doc.

I braced myself for backlash.

But none came.

Where I thought I'd get complaints... I got compliments.

People loved it.

And I realized it's not about how many coats of polish I put on things.

People don't mind what it looks like if it's helpful and gets the job done.

Focus on helping people.

And keep it simple.

You got this,

~ Cody "Function over Fancy" Burch

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you build a more laidback online business.

  1. Send better emails and make more sales with Email School. Learn more here.​
  2. Want to tell better stories so you build a more engaged audience? Check this out.
  3. Want to work with me 1:1 to build the laidback business of your dreams? Reply with "COACHING" in the subject line and I'll get you the details.





The Laidback Business Bulletin

Want a daily dose of digital marketing motivation? Join over 13,037 subscribers here 👇