82.9% shoveled.


The Laidback Business Bulletin

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The weather app was wrong again.

Thought it was gonna be clear today, but we got about 6 inches of snow here in Colorado Springs.

We live on a nondescript cul-de-sac with a 2-car garage and a normal-sized driveway.

I had a short timeline to clear the drive so my wife could handle carpool duty.

So I grabbed my big yellow shovel and got to work.


Me shoveling my driveway looks more like someone harvesting wheat.

I saunter from the top of the driveway to the bottom while making a huge sweeping motion.

In one swoop, I clear a wide enough path for one car.

Repeat on the other side.

Takes about 4 minutes.

Is the driveway 100% clear?


It's about 89.2% shoveled.

Can I get a car out?


Mission accomplished.

Want to get great at your online business?

Don't look for the "best" way to do something.

Get used to doing "good enough" consistently.

You got this,

~ Cody "Good Enough" Burch

P.S. Here's what I'm working on right now to help you with your business:

  1. I'm creating a new, free Skool group to help you implement new assets this year
  2. I'm releasing a new Cash Campaign in Email School to help you do a waitlist launch (dropping later this week)
  3. I'm starting a newsletter that goes behind the scenes of my email list-building journey. The first issue drops this Sunday, and it's free.





The Laidback Business Bulletin

Want a daily dose of digital marketing motivation? Join over 13,037 subscribers here 👇