
Hi! My name is Cody Burch

I help people build a laidback online business powered by their stories so they can truly experience life.

a fishing hook hanging from the side of a boat
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All people care about.

Want to cut your offer creation by 95%? Forget the # of modules in your course... Pages in your workbook... The timing of the coaching calls... Doesn't matter. (Not when people are buying, at least). I've never sold a program because someone loved the time of the calls and thought the number of workbook pages was perfect. Instead... Nail the hook. Meaning, "What will this offer make possible for them?" How will it make their life better? How will it make them money? Save them time? Upgrade...

a machine that is sitting on a table

Last January, I had to rebuild my online business from scratch after a "normal" job didn't work out, and I was fired after only six months. My first move was selling my time via VIP Days. People hired me for the day to knock out their ad campaign, email welcome series, or write a sales page. It went well, and more people hired me every month. I hit my ceiling in June when I hosted 12 VIP Days. I was slammed with work and spent my days building someone else's business. Even worse, since I...

white and orange wooden fence beside black door

Years ago, I was offered to work with a guy named Joe. He was an expert in his field, and he helped solve the problem I had. However... The entry point was $10,000 😱 I wasn't at a place in my business where I could afford his services, so I didn't sign up. ...which meant I stayed stuck. I tried to figure it out on my own until it got too hard, and I pivoted to something else. I think about Joe a lot. He may have been my linchpin to a wildly successful business. He might have been able to make...

person leaning on wall while holding gray hat

Last week I shuttled my kids up to the Outlet Mall to do some back-to-school shopping. I also needed to pick up some gear for a Canadian hiking trip in a few weeks. There are only 2 outdoorsy shops, and I went to both. The first, a higher-end Swedish brand, never noticed me when I entered the store. 2 young clerks chatted away about their favorite ski spots while I poked around the racks of zip-off pants and rain jackets. I didn't find what I was looking for and left after a few minutes. At...

black metal bench on beach shore during daytime

Olympic divers have it all wrong. I'm sitting on the couch next to a pile of post-vacation laundry, watching the Olympics. The Chinese Women's team is dominating. It's incredible. Perfect prep, form, and execution. As they enter the water like an arrow, they barely make a ripple. My kids did some diving last weekend, too. We were at Glenwood Hot Springs, where there was a diving board 4 feet above the water. My boys, unlike these professionals, wanted to make as HUGE of a splash as possible....

white round mirror on green wall

We survived another week on the road... Me, my wife, and 3 teenage boys crammed into our travel trailer for one final summer adventure. We went white water rafting, soaked in the hot springs, and enjoyed quality family time. But there's one thing I didn't do... Look in the mirror. It wasn't intentional. There's a super tiny bathroom with a small mirror and... It just didn't happen. By the time I got home today, I realized what six nights in a camper can do to a man. I'm looking forward to a...

white and black golf cart

We're staying at a KOA Campground outside of Glenwood Springs, CO. Golf carts are a fairly common way to get around out here... But one cart caught our eye last night. It was bigger (6 passengers) and more ornately decorated than the others. And it had a sign on the side that said "Supper Shuttle." Turns out, this golf cart will transport you from the campground to a restaurant a few blocks away. If you're tired of hot dogs and burgers at your campsite... Snag a ride on the Supper Shuttle to...

white and blue van on brown dirt road during daytime

Top 4 most memorable days? 1, 2, and 3: Birth of my 3 sons 4: Driving home a new travel trailer I remember it like it was yesterday. I white-knuckled the entire drive home... ...wincing at every creak of the trailer ...grimacing at every breeze that blew me out of my lane But I made it home. In the summer of 2020, I was in a brand-new red Chevy pickup truck towing a brand-new 32-foot Wildwood trailer. I barely knew how to drive the truck. But I'd never towed a trailer in my life. Minutes...

a person holding a half eaten sandwich in their hand

We're about halfway through our epic summer-ending camping trip. Last night, sitting under the stars, my three teenage sons ransacked the s'mores supply like unfed wolverines. I lost count after my 17-year-old's fourth. When they were satiated, we flipped on the lights to collect all the trash before turning in for the night. Wrappers, crumbs, and sticky marshmallows were everywhere. I'm jealous of their metabolism because s'mores are flat-out delicious. A s'more is the pinnacle of campfire...

a group of people sitting at a bar

Yesterday, we arrived at a campsite in Granby, CO. Once we got all the chairs, hoses, and wires set up, we were ready for dinner, and we didn't feel like cooking. Luckily, there's a restaurant at the site. We walked in, found a big table that sat us all and grabbed a menu. We assumed that a server would come by and take our orders, but after 7 minutes of waiting, we realized we were on our own. The protocol (apparently): stand in a crowd of people at the bar and order there. We also noticed...