avoiding my reflection

We survived another week on the road...

Me, my wife, and 3 teenage boys crammed into our travel trailer for one final summer adventure.

We went white water rafting, soaked in the hot springs, and enjoyed quality family time.

But there's one thing I didn't do...

Look in the mirror.

It wasn't intentional.

There's a super tiny bathroom with a small mirror and...

It just didn't happen.

By the time I got home today, I realized what six nights in a camper can do to a man.

I'm looking forward to a proper shower (without having to duck) and a shave.

For years, I never looked in the mirror of my business, either.

I ignored rising lead costs, credit card balances, and important business metrics.

My spending was out of control, and my profits suffered.

I needed accountability.

About a year ago, I started a paid newsletter called "The Blueprint".

Each Sunday, I record a private podcast and send a behind-the-scenes newsletter.

It helps ~175 subscribers demystify what really goes on behind the scenes of my 1-person business.

But it helps me to stay accountable.


I update my key metrics (ad spend, list growth, membership numbers, MRR, etc.)

And I provide in-depth analysis on what I'm doing and why.

It's a win-win.

Subscribers get a peek behind the curtain.

And I get to critically analyze the health of my business.

Every Sunday.

Here are the metrics I recommend familiarizing yourself with:

  1. # new leads each week
  2. # engaged email subscribers
  3. # of sales in the last week
  4. $ spent on paid traffic
  5. Recurring revenue

Sure, we could go off the deep end with dashboards...

But that's enough to get started.

(Wanna see my numbers? Join The Blueprint here and get access to all 58 issues.)

Track what matters.

Grow accordingly.

You got this,

~ Cody "Start With The Man In the Mirror" Burch

P.S. Automating your list-building is a cornerstone of building a laidback online business.

Need some help?

  • Click here to join my free Skool group, List Builder Lab, and get my top list-building resources.
  • Want me to do it for you? Reply with "VIP" in the subject line and I can knock it out for you. I have 2 remaining dates in August.
  • Need more support in the long term? Reply with "Coaching" in the subject line, and I'll set up a call with you to talk about working together.

Hi! My name is Cody Burch

I help people build a laidback online business powered by their stories so they can truly experience life.

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