customer delivery

We're staying at a KOA Campground outside of Glenwood Springs, CO.

Golf carts are a fairly common way to get around out here...

But one cart caught our eye last night.

It was bigger (6 passengers) and more ornately decorated than the others.

And it had a sign on the side that said "Supper Shuttle."

Turns out, this golf cart will transport you from the campground to a restaurant a few blocks away.

If you're tired of hot dogs and burgers at your campsite...

Snag a ride on the Supper Shuttle to be transported to a moderately priced family restaurant.


This is how I use Facebook Ads in my business.

My customers are out there, and I use the "Supper Shuttle" to transport them safely to my email list so I can help them make progress toward their goals.

Facebook is a bottomless reservoir of my exact-fit future customers...

Just gotta write an ad, drop it in front of them, and bring 'em over.


~ Cody "Automated List Building" Burch

P.S. Automating your list-building is a cornerstone of building a laidback online business.

Need some help?

  • Click here to join my free Skool group, List Builder Lab, and get my top list-building resources.
  • Want me to do it for you? Reply with "VIP" in the subject line and I can knock it out for you. I have 2 remaining dates in August.
  • Need more support in the long term? Reply with "Coaching" in the subject line, and I'll set up a call with you to talk about working together.

Hi! My name is Cody Burch

I help people build a laidback online business powered by their stories so they can truly experience life.

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