Don't be an Olympian (here's why)

Olympic divers have it all wrong.

I'm sitting on the couch next to a pile of post-vacation laundry, watching the Olympics.

The Chinese Women's team is dominating.

It's incredible. Perfect prep, form, and execution.

As they enter the water like an arrow, they barely make a ripple.

My kids did some diving last weekend, too.

We were at Glenwood Hot Springs, where there was a diving board 4 feet above the water.

My boys, unlike these professionals, wanted to make as HUGE of a splash as possible.

Bonus points if you could soak the lifeguard.

When it comes to growing our business, I want you to think of my teenage sons cannonballing into the deep end, trying to create the highest geyser possible.

Maximum water displacement.

Maximum vertical height.

Maximum attention.

Impossible to ignore.

One of the roles I see people hesitate to embrace is the role of "marketer."

I don't care if you're an artist, freelancer, painter, pianist, systems analyst, coach, consultant... whatever.

If you have a program that creates an outcome for the people you want to help...

You have a duty...

An obligation...

To make as big of a splash as possible.

Get attention.

Build an audience.

Create a promo plan.

Execute the campaign.

Get maximum attention so people will notice you and join your movement.

Be a cannonball.

Not a Gold Medal diver.

You got this.

~ Cody "Make a Splash" Burch

P.S. Want some help planning a big, noisy promotion so you make more sales? Reply with "SPLASH" in the subject line, and I'll help you out.

Hi! My name is Cody Burch

I help people build a laidback online business powered by their stories so they can truly experience life.

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