Don't sell the pat-down


The Laidback Business Bulletin

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What comes to mind when you imagine a tropical vacation?

A cool breeze in your face...

The relaxing sound of waves crashing on the shore...

Toes in the sand...

Icy drink in hand...

You get the picture.

Notice what didn't pop into your mind?

  • Getting up early and driving to the airport
  • Finding a parking spot
  • Taking a noisy, crowded shuttle bus to the terminal
  • Waiting in line to check your bags
  • Getting a TSA pat down
  • A middle seat on the airplane with someone who won't share the armrest
  • Getting through customs
  • Another shuttle to the hotel

That was our experience last Sunday.

Got up at 3:30 a.m. to head to the Denver airport (75-minute drive).

Another 90+ minute drive to the condo when we arrived in Costa Rica.

I'm not complaining...

Eventually, we got to the beach, ate tacos, surfed, and drank iced coffee.

But if you're selling a tropical vacation?

Don't sell the TSA pat-down.

Sell the beach.

People who want to work with you don't care how many videos you have, what time the support calls are, or what platform everything is hosted on.

They care about what your program makes possible for them.

They want the outcome.

They want the results.

Don't sell them the long lines and awkward security.

Sell them a better future.

You got this,

~ Cody "Global Entry" Burch

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are 3 more ways I can help you grow a laidback online business:

  1. Join over 1,114 other list-building enthusiasts in my free group, List Builder Lab.
  2. Powerfully tell your stories so you make more sales in my Story Magnet Workshop ($27)
  3. (New) Work with me personally to build the laidback business of your dreams. Reply with the subject line COACHING, and I'll get you the details.





The Laidback Business Bulletin

Want a daily dose of digital marketing motivation? Join over 13,037 subscribers here 👇