Put $1 in. Made $4.


The Laidback Business Bulletin

Want a daily dose of digital marketing motivation? Join over 13,037 subscribers here 👇

OK, I admit it.

I don't just want you to grow your email list, Reader.

That's just one of the steps.

  1. Build the list.
  2. Engage with stories.
  3. Sell with campaigns.

Doing the "Selling" part is what keeps us in business.

Take Maggie, for example.

She's about a month into running her Ads Machine like I share in Email School and sent me this yesterday:

Spent $555.

Got 450 new people on her list.

Made $2,497 in sales of her workshop.

Pretty cool, right?

If you had a machine where, every time you put in a dollar, you got $4 back out...

How many times would you put a dollar in that machine?

Now, I'm not saying you'll get results like Maggie. Every business is different.

But it can't hurt to try, right?

Listen, if you're not building your email list, you're not helping as many people as you can.

And if you'd like my help, here's how to set it all up.

You got this,

~ Cody

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you win with email:

  1. Follow @emailschool on Instagram for daily email tips.
  2. Subscribe to my free, behind-the-scenes Sunday newsletter, Inbox Insiders.
  3. Join the Email School membership for more email confidence, clarity, and consistency.

The Laidback Business Bulletin

Want a daily dose of digital marketing motivation? Join over 13,037 subscribers here 👇