quitter's day


The Laidback Business Bulletin

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You know what they call the 2nd Friday of the new year?

Quitter's Day.

It's the day that most people give up on their New Year's resolutions.

I've been there.

I got so bad at setting resolutions that I stopped making them altogether.

In January 2022 I scrawled a long list of resolutions on a pink Post-It note and slapped it on my mirror.

There were 6 things on my list.

5 didn't stick.

The only one I've kept?

Sending a daily email.

I've had a lot of growth since then.

My storytelling has gotten better.

My offers are more helpful.

My list is about 5x the size since then.

And every day for the last 3 years, I peck out a short story-based email and send it your way.

It's the best 7 minutes of my day.

And it got me thinking...

Would you like to send a daily email in 2025?

If so, I have an idea...

Let me know,

~ Cody




The Laidback Business Bulletin

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