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This is nuts... The other day, I helped Theresa set up her "Automated List-Building Machine." She'd been resisting setting up her "Machine" and is 100% new to Meta Ads. But we got it done. Well it's been about 48 hours and she just sent me the following screenshot: She added the caption, "I just wanted to know, since I have no frame of reference...are those good numbers?" My reply: I'm so happy for Theresa. She's been running an online business for years, but up until ~ 2 days ago, had never cracked the ads machine. Until now... Now, she's waking up every day to new people on her list who'd like her help. It's the best feeling. That's why "Automate Your List Building" is one of the 3 pillars of Email School. Wanna grow your list (automatically)? Yes, Cody, that sounds like just what I need. Grow your list. Engage with stories. Sell with campaigns. Then, send me a screenshot. You got this, ~ Cody P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you win with email:
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