good questions


The Laidback Business Bulletin

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Since my announcement yesterday, I've had a bunch of questions.

(In case you missed it, I'm bringing back Implementation Days to catapult a few busy business owners over the Implementation Wall.)

I figured you may have some of the same questions, so here we go:

Q: What are "Implementation Days"?

In 2023, I hosted 60-70 Implementation Days, where I set up people's ads, lead magnets, and email sales campaigns.

I only did a handful in 2024, and I'm not doing them anymore in 2025.


I know some people still need help with their ads and lead-gen funnels, and are looking to make an investment in their business before the end of the year.

So for the next few days, you can book me for an Implementation Day and we can do it anytime in 2025.

Q: Is an Implementation Day in person or online?

It's way more fun in person.

I book out an awesome coffee shop here in Colorado Springs, CO, we drink coffee, eat a great lunch, and implement your marketing campaigns.

Or, we can do it virtually if you'd like.

Q: What can we reasonably get done in a day?

I've been the marketer behind dozens of six and seven-figure launches... so launch planning would be the best bang for your buck.

Most people hire me to set up their launch ads, write their emails, or make their lead magnet.

It's pretty straightforward.

In a full day, I can do two projects.

In a half day, I can do one project.

Project options: a short-form sales page, a launch email campaign, a lead magnet, or lead ads.

Q: I don't know what date I'd like, can I decide later?

Sure, click here to secure a spot, and we can figure out the date later.

Just make sure you use it in 2025.

Q: Wait, did you say we could do a half-day?

Sure. I just added it to the sales page here.

Q: What's the price?

$5,000 for a full day. $3,000 for a half day.

Q: How long do I have to decide?

​I'm taking this page down on December 30th​


I think that's about it!

If you have a launch planned or need help with your list-building machine and have year-end cash to invest...

​Click here to lock in your day.​

~ Cody

P.S. Got a question I didn't answer here? Reply and let me know!




The Laidback Business Bulletin

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