
Hi! My name is Cody Burch

Tim Horton's got this wrong.

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

I'm nearing the end of my 4-day trip to Canada and had to check one more thing off my list:

A trip to Tim Horton's.

Not that I love it. It's just tradition.

Luckily, there's one in the parking lot of my hotel.

It's a bit cold and cloudy today, so I bundled up and walked across the parking lot towards the big red building.

I grabbed coffee and a raisin bran muffin.

After I sat down, I noticed my paper cup was leaking from the bottom.

I glared at the growing ring of hot coffee under my cup.

"You had one job," I said to no one in particular.

The whole point of a cup is to hold liquid, right?

It got me thinking about the "jobs" of our business.

Take Facebook Ads, for example:

The job of the image is to stop the scroll.

The job of our copy is to get the click.

The job of our landing page is to get their email address.

The job of our email subject line is to get them to open.

The job of our body copy is to get the click to the sale page.

The job of our sales page is to get the sale.

And so on...

But the job of our Facebook Ads is not to get the sale.

Make sense?

Remember to stay focused on the job of each piece of your marketing process so you know what to tweak if something isn't working.

You got this,

~ Cody "My Cup Runneth Under" Burch

P.S. The doors to Stu McLaren's Membership Experience close tomorrow night which means you have about 24 hours left to jump in and join the fun.

Hi! My name is Cody Burch

I help people build a laidback online business powered by their stories so they can truly experience life.

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