We walked out over this.

Yesterday, we arrived at a campsite in Granby, CO.

Once we got all the chairs, hoses, and wires set up, we were ready for dinner, and we didn't feel like cooking.

Luckily, there's a restaurant at the site.

We walked in, found a big table that sat us all and grabbed a menu.

We assumed that a server would come by and take our orders, but after 7 minutes of waiting, we realized we were on our own.

The protocol (apparently): stand in a crowd of people at the bar and order there.

We also noticed there was just one person in the kitchen.

Orders were piling up.

The room was full now.

Dozens of hungry campers milled about like frat bros at the bar, hoping to make eye contact to place their order.


We left.

We hopped in the truck and went to a local diner for what my boys said were the best burgers and shakes they'd ever had.

Here's the lesson:

Don't make it hard for people to buy from you.

Anything that slows them down or unnecessarily complicates the checkout process will bother them.

Frustrate them enough?

They'll leave and go somewhere else.

Here are some ways to make it easy to buy:

  • Alternate payment methods like Klarna or Paypal
  • Digital Wallets like Google or Apple Pay
  • Using Shop, which stores their card on file, so they don't even need a wallet
  • Affordable payment plans that make it easy to get started
  • A fast-loading sales page that is easy to navigate

(These are all reasons I use SamCart, by the way).

Remove roadblocks to buying and watch your business grow.

You got this,

~ Cody "SamCart Fan" Burch

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are 3 more ways I can help you grow a laidback online business:

  1. Join over 1,128 other list-building enthusiasts in my free group, List Builder Lab.
  2. Powerfully tell your stories so you make more sales in my Story Magnet Workshop ($27)
  3. (New) Work with me personally to build the laidback business of your dreams. Reply with the subject line COACHING and I'll get you the details.

Hi! My name is Cody Burch

I help people build a laidback online business powered by their stories so they can truly experience life.

Read more from Hi! My name is Cody Burch
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