31.94-minute mile.


The Laidback Business Bulletin

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For years, athletes chased the 4-minute mile.

It seemed impossible until Roger Bannister did it ~70 years ago.

Well, Mr. Bannister, I just completed a mile in 31.94 minutes.

And I couldn't be more excited.

Here's why:

I'm training for an endurance hiking event called 29029.

You have 36 hours to hike 32 miles and gain as much elevation as Mt. Everest (29,029 feet).

This morning, I completed my 7th ascent of the summer on a trail called "The Incline."

It's only about a mile and a half long but at an average 45% grade.

You have to crawl at some points.

About 2/3 of the way up, my Apple Watch vibrated to alert me I had just crossed the mile marker.

1.88 miles per hour.

31.94 minute mile.

By Olympic standards? Laughable.

But I set a new personal record when I summitted in 49m 11s.

Context matters.

I was pumped to push through the pain and set a new personal record.

No, I won't win any gold medals.

No, I wasn't greeted by adoring fans at the top (just a curious chipmunk).

No, I didn't stand atop a podium.

But I got it done.


Faster than last time.

Faster than every other time I've done it.

So, just remember to go at your own pace.

All progress is good progress as you grow your business.

And the only person you have to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

You got this,

~ Cody "Sore Calves" Burch






The Laidback Business Bulletin

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