Just a taste.


The Laidback Business Bulletin

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We made a huge mistake...

...we went to Costco on a Sunday afternoon.

Yesterday, my wife and I braved the crowd to restock our pantry after being out of town last week.

We promised each other to "only get the essentials."

We didn't last 15 feet.

A new "superfood smoothie" drink mix caught our eye in the front of the store.

We had never tried it and decided to pass on it even though it was on sale.

After stocking up on snacks in the front of the store, a friendly worker offered samples of (you guessed it) the superfood drink.

She had a big smile and a shaker bottle and poured us both a shot into a tiny plastic cup.

It was dark green.

Looked like pond water.

But as we sipped, she gave us the product highlight reel:

  • All in one.
  • Convenient.
  • Tasty.
  • Portable.

"And 2 out of 3 people that try it buy it!" She assured us.


We folded and tossed a bag into the cart.

As we walked off with our unplanned purchase, we realized what happened.

This smiling employee took ALL the risk away from trying something new.

We've all bought something in bulk, gotten home, and hated it, right (I'm looking at you, spicy dried mango)

Then we either toss it or return it.

Both are wasteful and inefficient.

She destroyed our hesitancy by removing 100% of the risk.

Our businesses are the same.

Before asking someone to commit to the big purchase, give 'em a taste.

It could be a free resource like a lead magnet, a free challenge, or even a free group.

Let them try it before they buy it.

Reduce the risk.

Sell more stuff.

You got this,

~ Cody "Pond Water" Burch

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are 3 more ways I can help you grow a laidback online business:

  1. Join over 1,114 other list-building enthusiasts in my free group, List Builder Lab.
  2. Powerfully tell your stories so you make more sales in my Story Magnet Workshop ($27)
  3. (New) Work with me personally to build the laidback business of your dreams. Reply with the subject line COACHING, and I'll get you the details.





The Laidback Business Bulletin

Want a daily dose of digital marketing motivation? Join over 13,037 subscribers here 👇