The best kind of upsell


The Laidback Business Bulletin

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Want to make more money from every sale...

Without sending more traffic?

Then you need two things:

  • Order bumps
  • Upsells

Order bumps are items people add to their cart after they decide to check out but before they pay.

Think Mountain Dew in the checkout line at the supermarket.

Upsells are things after the initial order is placed, but they make the "thing" they just bought work better.

But a lot of people get stuck on what to offer for their upsell.

Here's an easy trick:

Sell them the thing they'll need next...

Once they've gotten the results from the thing they just bought.

Make sense?

Here are some examples.

  1. If you sell fitness transformation as your "thing" ... your upsell could be a wardrobe makeover. You'll transform your physique so much your old clothes won't fit anymore...
  2. If you sell business coaching ... your upsell could be how to hire a team. You'll be so successful growing your business... you'll need to bring on people to support you...
  3. If you sell list building ... your upsell could be how to make offers to your list. You'll have so many engaged people on your list... you'll need to sell them stuff to help them even more...


But extremely effective.

Here's why:

People come to us with a problem they'd like fixed.

They buy our thing to get that problem fixed.

Now they're on the thank you page, implying that the thing they just bought will work SO WELL that they'll have another problem to solve.

I just did this with my List Builder Land event recently.

After people upgraded to a VIP Ticket, I offered them my "37 Hooks Email Training."

It was the perfect back-end offer to support them down the road.

Remember, every problem we solve for our clients introduces a new problem.

Solve the new problem with an upsell.

You got this,

~ Cody "Logical Upsell" Burch

P.S. I just reconfigured the "37 Hooks" training, so you can buy it without having to go through the funnel.

If you're struggling to come up with new hooks and angles for your sales emails, then you're going to love this. Ignore the ugly sales page and upgrade your hook game here.






The Laidback Business Bulletin

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