What's the point, anyways?

My dog does terribly on the leash.

He's a retired racing greyhound that we adopted when he was 3.

Since he was raised on the racetrack, he doesn't know how to use a leash.

He zigs and zags on walks, sniffing every shrub and marking every tree.

If the goal is to "take the dog for a walk," we'd lose every time.

Instead, we now say we're "taking the dog for a sniff." Success!

Reframing the objective means we're undefeated.

My dad and I returned from our 3-day fishing trip a few hours ago.

We were high in the Colorado Rockies, on a private property, with a stocked stream and a professional guide.

And even though the odds were in our favor...

We only caught three fish in total.

If the goal was to "get as many fish in the net as possible," it was a slow, frustrating outing.

But if the goal was "father-son time, with great food, beautiful views, comfy beds, in the wilderness," we crushed it.

It's all about how you frame the goal.

So, don't worry if your launch doesn't soar or your list doesn't grow as fast as you'd like.

Reframe the goal: level up your skills, learn something new, and find out where to improve.

Instead of being frustrated at what didn't work...

You'll win every time.

You got this,

~ Cody "Reframe Your Brain" Burch

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are 4 more ways I can help you grow a laidback online business:

  1. Never run out of story ideas again with The Morning Story Podcast. Just listen here.
  2. Join over 948 other list-building enthusiasts in my free group, List Builder Lab.
  3. See what really happens behind the scenes of my lean digital business with The Blueprint ($7/mo).
  4. Powerfully tell your stories so you make more sales in my Story Magnet Workshop ($27)

Hi! My name is Cody Burch

I help people build a laidback online business powered by their stories so they can truly experience life.

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